How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?

Whether seeking a blank canvas for new artistic expression or longing to erase reminders of the past, our individually tailored treatments cater to diverse skin types and aspirations. At Bad Ink Laser Clinic, we specialize in using cutting-edge technologies such as the Candela PicoWay® laser to help you achieve the best possible results.

Understanding the Process and Technology 

Q-Switch (Quick-Switch) / Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser and Picosecond Laser (sometimes called Pico Laser) are both advanced technologies that are commonly used in aesthetic treatments to address a range of skin concerns, including tattoo removal, pigmentation removal, and skin rejuvenation.

Q-Switched Laser Technology

This is a type of Laser used in medical and aesthetic procedures. It works by producing short pulses of high-intensity light that are absorbed by the targeted tissue, which can be anything from pigmented lesions to tattoo inks. This was the gold standard in laser tattoo removal over the last decade. The Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser is unique in that it produces very short pulses of light (measured in nanoseconds) with very high peak power. This allows it to selectively target pigmented lesions or tattoo ink with minimal photothermal damage to the surrounding tissue, reducing the risk of side effects.

Picosecond Laser

This is a type of Laser used in medical and aesthetic procedures that deliver ultra-short pulses of light that are measured in picoseconds (trillionths of a second) and has now become the gold standard for laser tattoo removal. The Picosecond Laser works on a similar principle to the Q-Switched laser, but with much shorter pulse durations. The ultra-short pulses of light delivered by the Picosecond Laser create a photoacoustic effect, which means they produce a mechanical pressure wave that shatters ink particles in the target tissue into even smaller fragments than traditional Q-switched lasers with less thermal damage to the surrounding tissue. The smaller pigment fragments are then removed by the body’s natural immune system. Picosecond lasers are more effective for treating certain types of pigments and stubborn tattoos, while also reducing the risk of scarring and other side effects. Picosecond lasers can also be used on a wider range of skin types and colors, as it is less likely to cause hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, compared to older laser technologies.

Candela PicoWay Laser

The most trusted and advanced Picosecond Laser currently on the market and the laser used at Bad Ink laser clinic. The PicoWay is the only Picosecond Laser using a new sapphire 730nm handpiece for the treatment of blue and green pigments. In clinical trials, 730nm has proven to be more effective in treating blues and greens, significantly increasing the clearance rate of these stubborn tattoo colors. What’s more, the Candela PicoWay Laser is the go-to laser for skin of color skin types and colors, as it is less likely to cause hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation compared to older laser technologies.The most trusted and advanced Picosecond Laser currently on the market and the laser used at Bad Ink Laser Clinic. The PicoWay is the only PicoSecond Laser using a new sapphire 730nm handpiece for the treatment of blue and green pigments. In clinical trials, 730nm has proven to be more effective in treating blue and green pigments, significantly increasing the clearance rate of these stubborn tattoo colors. What’s more, the Candela PicoWay Laser is the go-to laser for skin of color skin types and colors, as it is less likely to cause hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation compared to older laser technologies.

PicoWay System Highlights

  • 532nm - treatment of sunset warm/sunset colors like red yellow, and orange

  • 730nm - treatment of bright blue and bright green

  • 785nm - treatment of blue, green and some purples

  • 1064nm - treatment of dark colors like black, brown, dark green, dark blue, and dark purple 

  • Safer for skin of color

  • High success rate in multi-color tattoo removal, including greens and blues

  • Faster, frequently requiring fewer treatments

  • Low to no down time - uses photoacoustic rather than photothermal effect, minimizing the risk of damage to the surrounding tissue.


Bad Ink Laser Clinic is excited to announce that we are a certified Describe PFD Patch provider. The Describe PFD Patch is a groundbreaking accessory that enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of laser tattoo removal treatments, especially in stubborn areas like the wrists, hands, fingers, ankles, feet, and toes. The skin is first saturated with PFD (Perfluorodecalin), then a perforated, PFD-infused silicone patch is applied over the tattoo. Lasing the tattoo through the PFD patch eliminates much of the frosting (the bubbly white layer that appears during laser treatment), while also reducing photothermal damage to the tissue, making it possible to perform up to four times as many passes per treatment session compared to a traditional treatment. minimizing damage and reducing the interval between treatment sessions.

Your Professional Tattoo Removal Consultation

Before embarking on your tattoo removal journey, it's essential to schedule a professional consultation. During this comprehensive appointment, our certified technicians will:

  • Assess your tattoo and skin type to determine the most suitable laser treatment.

  • Discuss your medical history and any potential risks or complications.

  • Provide a personalized treatment plan tailored to your individual needs and goals.

  • Address any questions or concerns you may have about the process, expected results, and aftercare instructions ensuring that you feel confident and informed every step of the way.